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Sometimes there's projects that don't make an awful lot of sense, but we give them the benefit of the doubt, just because they look so good. Theoretically, the son of All Conditions Gear and the Air Max line would look like 1995's awesome Air Mad Max. But this is late 2010 and the world of sports footwear is more retrospective and a great deal more baffling to decipher. The ACG Air Max 1s are just nice Max makeups with the ACG triangle that still induces a certain endorphin release each time we see it, rendered reflectively here. But an Air Max in that vein should still look like its been hastily reworked by BA, Hannibal and the A-Team crew while under siege in a fully equipped garage. These don't. We even wondered if there'd been an error during sampling and we'd get an irate phone call to take them down, but they're getting the cross-branding.
All these colourways feel like they've been slightly treated `to stop them being quite as sensitive as the synthetic suede on this model often is and the materials feel slightly more resilient, but it's not one for the trails. This whole trio might fall short of capturing the madcap spirit of innovation that the branding represents (in fact, the Storm AM1 is more ACG than these). But after this model got rinsed to the point where a revolutionary shoe left us cold, we're going to be receptive to any great colours, no matter how baffling their concept is.
The black/greens might offer solace to anyone who missed out on the ballistic nylon/canvas Pattas a year ago, if that's been playing on your mind. When we heard this collection was dropping, we feared the worst. The samples elicited a Dame Dash style, "Oh shit! It's not even wack!" backhanded complement from this camp. Grey and varsity purple is downright fresh. But an ACG pack should look like the one from 2002 with the killer Footscape in that reminds us of Footpatrol's early days. Still, that branding looks great. We'd just rename 'em the "Particularly decent AM1 Pack" and be done with it.